Why I made this website
When it comes to revising for exams, I learnt from a very great maths teacher of mine that the use of past papers indefinitely aids the application of your revision. So, when going to find these past papers on the WJEC website, it wasn't always clear. Sometimes you accidentally click on the modified paper or get the wrong tier. I made this website to make things simpler, save your time and have everything on one page. Usually, when looking for grade boundaries, it can get quite confusing- not many people even know about the existence of the grade boundary website. Not many people even know what a specification is or what SAMS are. I wanted to make this clear to everyone and wanted to save their time in the process.
Ultimately, I just wanted to make
a website that I wish I had back in year 10.
Let's hope it makes your life easier.
If you feel like something about the website isn't right, or have any suggestions on how I can improve the website, feel free to contact me via the "other" page.